Don't blindly look for factories to make your handbags. Ask yourself this question first
Guide: Don't blindly look for factories for processing bags and cases, first ask yourself what kind of bags you want, and know which factories to find for processing, otherwise it may delay both parties' time, and even if you hardly cooperate with large goods, quality will be problematic.
With the subdivision of the bags and cases processing industry, major handbag processing factories have their own advantages, and the categories they are good at are also different. Therefore, don’t blindly look for a factory to process bags and cases, first ask yourself what type of luggage you want, and know which factories you should find for processing, otherwise it may delay the time of both parties, and even if you barely cooperate with large-scale goods, the quality will be problematic.
There are many kinds of bags, such as trolley bags, handbags, backpacks, waist bags, chest bags, women's bags, men's bags, ice bags, storage bags, photo bags, travel bags, school bags, outdoor backpacks, business backpacks, etc. The division becomes finer and finer. Basically, it is difficult for a bag processing company to process every type of bag it wants, unless the factory is so large that there are branch factories that can implement completely different processes.
For example, backpacks and trolley bags are two of the most popular types of bags at present, but the production processes of the two are very different. Backpacks are mainly made of Oxford cloth or nylon cloth, and the production equipment mainly uses flat cars, and the handicraft mainly uses cutting knives, embroidery printing, sewing, hemming, rolling and other processes. The material of trolley bag is mainly ABS, PC, PP, etc., and the production process is relatively complicated, including a series of links such as feeding, cutting, stamping, riveting, installing aluminum frames, installing locks and assembling, as well as the production of backpacks. The process is completely different.
The above experience is a lesson to everyone that if there is a need for bag processing, you must first find out what kind of bags you are making. Finding the wrong factory can cause unnecessary problems. For processing bags, look for Inclusive World Bags and Cases Co.,ltd. Inclusive World Bags and Cases Co. Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of customized backpack, computer bag, briefcase, school bag, cosmetic bag, tool bag, cooler bag, stylish bag, storage case, and a series of soft fabric and leather bag. We insist on winning through quality, quality first, diverse styles, trustworthy!
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